Beethoven's Apartment

beethoven's apt. ron korb
 Beethoven's Pasqualatihaus

  Beethoven moved 60 times while living in Vienna. Roughly once every six months. One such place is the Pasqualatihaus named after its landlord Josef Benedikt Baron Pasqualati. In this four room apartment Beethoven wrote some of his most beautiful music including Fur Elise, the 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th symphonies and his opera Fidelio.

A  tourist blog reported that this place is hard to find and that he had to bang on the door for about ten minutes before anyone answered. It certainly is difficult to find. I walked up and down the street several times and couldn't figure out the street number. I asked local shop keepers who had no idea either. Finally, I realized it was up the hill behind a grove of trees. It is a nice little musuem that has some of his original parchments, several paintings and his piano. This was one of the maestro favorite accomodations where he spent several years. This was the inspiration for my song Beethoven Pasqualatihaus for flute, piano, cello, bass and drums.

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